Human and animal hematology systems are similar in their structure and algorithms though request separate leukocyte groups training on multiple specimen selection. Customers can train WBC system on their set of specimens. Our hematology systems meet USA and European standards.
Working zone(s) search and multiple objectives used in single test gives our systems almost 100% found leukocytes ratio and super high resolution images for classification. Powerful Database Support and Data import - export operations simplify specimens information identification storage and search.
Animal systems include DOGS, CATS, HORSES, RATS, and many others. Similar groups of animals (like cats,tigers, leopards, panthers...) can use the first trained group from the list and just rename samples after processing (inherited properties).

Our technology supports the following automated functions:
FDA pre-defined test descriptions
Automated adaptation to specimen variations
Increased sensitivity to pathological morphology and atypical objects
Advanced workspace ergonomics and absence of routine labor intensive procedures
Implementation of previously impossible advanced test techniques with high sampling
Dramatically (minutes versus hours) increased labor productivity
Common technology of automation, quality control and staff teaching
Permanent updates and improvement of both equipment and software.
Fully automated Slide Loaders
We recommend our customers fully automated slide loaders with capacity 50-200 slides only when they request the high performance and over night operations. They are less effective not reliable and costly for day shift operations.
8 or 9-slides semi-automated systems
8 or 9-slides blood differential system is a good example of flexibility and proper time consuming routine process organization. We fully automate leucocyte collection and pre-sorting when a technician can change sorting by one button click. This way we achieve the best performance and outstanding quality of human eyes sorting.
Single slide semi-automated systems
Single slide blood differential systems meet average and small budget organizations demands when system performance is not the major issue.